Monday, November 14, 2011

We are HERE!

I realize that I haven't yet shared the journey to how we picked CTCA but I did want to give an update that, Yay, God, we made here to AZ safely!  I will still share about that piece in a later post.  As for tonight, we arrived at around 6:45 local time and after checking in and praying w/our girls over the phone, we made our way to the baggage claim where we were met by our driver, Carlos.  Wow, what great service CTCA gives to it's patients!  He made sure that we got our luggage and proceeded to take us to get some food, as the cafeteria at CTCA was closed.  After that, he gave us a quick tour of CTCA and I have to say that so far, I'm really impressed!  CTCA has a organic and hormone-free (AND some gluten-free too!) cafeteria, a cafe', gift shop, a full service salon AND library in addition to the clinic.  They will shuttle us to and from the hotel while we're here and while we're at the hospital, they will give us a room and ALL of the doctors, nurses, naturopathic doctors, nutritionists, and everyone else comes to us!  I'm really excited (and a little scared) at what they will all come up with for me.  The more research I do, the less I want anything to do with chemotherapy but I want to stay open to what God is wanting for us and praying that He will make things clear as we talk w/all of the doctors.  I'm really curious to see what they say compared to what we heard from the Colorado Springs doctors.  We are praying that God would heal me so that they won't need to do any "conventional" treatments but whatever God decides to do, we will continue to praise Him.  His plans are ALWAYS better than ours!

One thing I wanted to share w/all of you before we head off to bed.  My Moms group had bought me a book called "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young.  It's a book of little power-packed devotionals.  After reading the devotional for the day, I thought, just for grins, to look at the devotional for the day that I was diagnosed, October 25, even though I didn't have the book at the time.  It said this, "I AM GOD WITH YOU, for all the time and throughout eternity.  Don't let the familiarity of that concept numb its impact on your consciousness.  My perpetual Presence with you can be a continual source of Joy, springing up and flowing out in streams of abundant Life.  Let your mind reverberate with meanings of My Names:  Jesus - the Lord saves, and Emmanuel - God with us.  Strive to remain conscious of My Presence even in your busiest moments.  Talk with Me about whatever is on your mind.  These tiny steps of daily discipline, taken one after the other, will keep you close to Me on the path of Life."  How like God to give us something retroactively that ministers to our very souls!  I felt so much joy and peace the day I was diagnosed and friends, it was NOT FROM ME!  Things like this are why I can praise Him....because He has given me thing after thing after thing that tells me and shows me that He loves me intimately and that I am NOT walking through this alone!

Thank you, once again, for walking this journey with us!  We are so thankful for each and every one of you that has sent us notes, cards, emails, posts, phone calls and prayers.  You are each making a difference in our lives and we are so thankful for you!

Well, we are exhausted and need to get some sleep but we will post more after our appointment marathon tomorrow.  Pray for clarity and God's plan for my treatment to make itself known.

1 comment:

  1. Praying Donna that His and your treatment plan is put in your hands soon. We are praying for and loving you and your family always. Hugs from the Bender Bunch.
