Friday, November 18, 2011

Day 4

"COME TO ME, and rest in My Peace.  My Face is shining upon you, in rays of Peace transcending understanding.  Instead of trying to figure things out yourself, you can relax in the Presence of the One who knows everything.  As you lean on Me in trusting dependence, you feel peaceful and complete.  This is how I designed you to live:  in close communion with Me.  When you are around other people, you tend to cater to their expectations - real or imagined.  You feel enslaved to pleasing them, and your awareness of My Presence grows dim.  Your efforts to win their approval eventually exhausts you.  You offer these people dry crumbs rather than the living water of My Spirit flowing through you.  This is not My way for you!  Stay in touch with Me, even during your busiest moments.  Let My Spirit give you words of grace as you live in the light of My Peace."  (Jesus Calling, Nov 18)

As Jim described, Wednesday for us, was a very discouraging and frustrating day and yet we know that God is walking every step with us.  He doesn't promise us a perfect, trial-free life or experience but that ALL of this is for our character and perseverance to grow so that we aren't lacking in ANYTHING (my translation).  Everything that we learn with this experience will help us with the next one.  God doesn't waste anything!

Yesterday was a much easier day as we had no appointments scheduled, just needed to take care of and drop off some paperwork.  So, we decided we had earned a much needed date and decided to go to the movies.  The movie we've both been dying to see is "Courageous" and managed to find 1 theater that had it playing at 10:20 yesterday morning.  WOW!  What a powerful movie!  If you haven't seen it, go!  It's inspiring & powerful.  The rest of our day, other than meals and paperwork, was spent at the hotel, doing research, resting, etc.

Today, I am having the cyst in my left breast drained which is a very simple, in and out procedure.  Additionally, they're talking about moving us closer to CTCA before my surgery on Tuesday so we're hoping to get a room onsite or right across the street at the Marriott.  This hotel has been wonderful but it can be a little tiring to have to plan around the shuttles and we'd like to be closer just in case I have any complications on Tuesday.  Other than that, we really don't have anything scheduled until my surgery on Tuesday.  We'd really appreciate your continued prayers for COMPLETE healing, that my tumor would become benign or disappear and that there wouldn't be any cancer in the lymph nodes. Also, if you could pray that I will be peaceful in and out of surgery and pray against nausea as anesthesia usually makes me really sick.  I typically have a rough time coming out of anesthesia so I'm trusting God to override my body and make everything smooth on Tuesday, so that we can come home on Wednesday.

Thanks to all of you who are actively praying and all of those who keep leaving encouraging messages.  I can't tell you how much it means to us to see those and we read every single one so please don't stop!  We need to be reminded that God is in control and that He is holding it ALL.  We love you!

1 comment:

  1. Love your attitude and trust!!! Glad you got to have a date and get extra rest! All our love...
