Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Rough days

Well, we sure would appreciate your prayers for our family.  We've had a few rough days, a lot due to our kiddos majorly acting out, Jim working long hours and a whole lot of spiritual attack.  We could really use your prayers for us right now.  Being home is nice but incredibly stressful for me, especially w/Jim working late almost every night.  Meals, shopping, kids, cleaning, dogs, appointments, etc. all fall on my shoulders.  And because Jim works late all the time, our only family time is now on the weekends and because I usually like to try and do my bulk cooking on the weekend, we're either feeling more frantic or I'm not getting my cooking done.  You see the cycle.  And that's not even dealing w/the constant frustration w/the girls acting out.  This week I've really felt everything hit me and I've been so exhausted.  On top of all of this, I've been trying to continue my research and hunt down the right person or persons to help get me through the next step.  I'm completely overwhelmed right now.  The good news is when I'm weak, God is strong.  (He must be REALLY strong right now!)

My other prayer request is for financial provision.  I'm trying to sell some things on to help me buy a better blender so that I can do more juicing but so far no luck.  Please pray that my items will sell soon, that Jim will find some freelance work or his work will finally give him a much needed raise so that we can afford to buy some of these things that I need going forward.  Pray also for Jim as he's a lot of ongoing stress at work and there doesn't seem to be any end in sight.  Pray for strength and protection during this season.

It's funny how when you're feeling down and overwhelmed, how everything hits you all at once.  A lovely little strategic move by our enemy, no doubt.  He never does fight fair, does he?  He loves to kick us when we're down.  BUT.....I am the child of the Almighty God and He has already defeated this enemy once and for all on the cross and He NEVER fails to provide for His children.  Thank God, even when things feel tough and impossible, that God is the God of all things possible!  There is no obstacle that is too big for Him to overcome and no problem that doesn't already have it's solution.  Thank you in advance for your prayers.

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